
November 19, 2013

The Bullies

We are surrounded by bullying at school, work and the Internet to give a small sampling of common areas where bullying occurs. Bullies come from all demographics.

Kids as innocent as they look can be very dark and mean inside so don't underestimate them. Kids tease about the most stupid things. Some bully to be the Alpha Kid and others just to fit in at the expense of others not realizing the hurt they are inflicting on that person.

Playground to the office. The managers with pet employees need to keep an eye on them. Some pet employees are just outright jerks how they wield their borrowed power from their manager to bully staff. In most cases managers are indirectly guilty of bullying because they know what their pets are doing to the staff. To be fair not all pets are bullies. 

The Internet the big Cloud. We are so fortunate to have at your disposal the technology that can enhance our lives and reach out to almost anywhere in the world. What do we do with this technology we take it to the cloud to reach out and bully people. Cyber bullying is just as hurtful as being bullied in person the only difference is the coward bullies are now hiding behind their smartphones, tablets and PC's.

What do we do to combat this disrespectful behavior?  Early education to teach what bullying is. Companies need to step up and enforce zero tolerance for anyone caught bullying. Laws need to be passed when cyber bullying goes too far. 

No easy answers to solve. Awareness is the key, we need to constantly highlight any form of bullying by taking the appropriate action.

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