
Kindergarten and Project Management

Your child is going to Kindergarten you are going to leave your child’s education and care in the hands of a professional that has a goal to reach at the end of the school year prepare the children for 1st Grade. The teacher will be in charge of twenty children ages 5 to 6 with that many kids some ground rules need to be set so that everyone in the class knows the expectations.
The teacher gives the parents and children a tour of the classroom and playground to familiarise them and presents the class rules.
The Project Kickoff meeting is when you assemble all your team members with stakeholders in attendance watching you layout how you are going to run the project. Think of the stakeholders as parents they want the project team members to succeed.
The project manager presents the project to the team showing the project timeline and tasks assigned to the team. The expectations of the project manager is conveyed to the team that a weekly status meeting will be held on Fridays, be prepared to report your status and if you cannot attend make an effort to email your status report by 5pm. I’m keeping it simple to illustrate the point I’m making on what team members are responsible for.
Whether you are teaching Kindergarten or running a project you need to set the ground rules and expectations from the beginning and develop and refine it along the way. Setting up expectations and ground rules will avoid any assumptions and make everyone’s job easier by knowing what is expected of you.

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