
September 6, 2016

The Project Management Horse Blanket Report

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) - Reporting

Having the ability to capture valuable metrics from your project management software and report on it is the key to successful project management. Delivering projects on time within the budget is what all Project Managers work for. 

Reporting via The Horse Blanket 

What is a Horse Blanket? It's a large sheet of continuous paper that is used in plotter printers. You can drape the paper over a horse. The plotter printer will produce quality graphic prints from the large paper that lets you create a masterpiece of any size. Create a collage of various reports and screenshots to tell the story. A visual picture of various reports and screenshots that are all displayed at the same time will open eyes. All the dots should connect. The key is selecting the right reports and screenshots that tell the story. This is a continuous work in progress to keep evolving the reporting. Keep designing reports and screens with valuable information.

Wrike Screenshot 

Wrike Screenshot

Project Portfolio Management (PPM) - Software

To accomplish your reporting you will need a robust project management software that supports PPM. Monitoring the progress of projects is very critical to spot deficiencies so that they may be addressed with the appropriate remediation to get the project back on track. 

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