
October 8, 2014

A Serendipity moment on YouTube

Is there a minimum age to experience serendipity?  Maybe not!  A four year old girl playing with her mom's smartphone likes to play videos from YouTube.  She loves the movie Frozen.  She can't spell to good yet so she would need her mom's help to type in keywords for the videos she is searching for by pressing the magnifying glass symbol on the YouTube app.  She learned how to retrieve previous searches by typing in the letter "F"  in the search box to pull up her favorite Frozen video's.  One day she discovered the microphone symbol after she pressed the magnifying glass symbol on the app.  A white microphone in a red dot at the bottom of the phone appears and it's radiating rings of circles calling your attention to it.  She speaks into it and it searches for videos she is requesting.  Hey mom I don't need you anymore.

This is just an example of how technology savvy a four year old who is attending preschool can be.  They ask for help and take it to the next steps in the quest for independence.  It's proof that early education makes and impact in a child's life and exposure to technology at an early age stimulates the brain to develop.

Just make sure technology does not consume the child.  They need to go offline just like us adults.

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