
December 10, 2014

Lost in the Mall

I remember the day I lost my granddaughter in the mall. She was less than two years old and disappeared in the crowd in seconds. We were looking at dinosaurs exhibits. I briefly took my eye off my granddaughter and she was gone. I assumed she went to her mom and older sister that were nearby. No luck with that so my heart just dropped into my stomach. My daughter and I look at each other in disbelief what happened where did she go? Your life is flashing by you imaging will I ever see her again. I found a security guard nearby and gave my granddaughters description to the guard and he called it in on his walkie talkie.

When you lose a child it is the most horrific feeling in the world. You search the logical area that you think she could have wondered off too. Sometimes the logical is not your best bet. Time seems like an eternity when you are looking for your lost child, your heart is beating fast and you keep thinking that some pedophile has abducted her and fled the mall with her and you will never see her again. You are just going out of your mind, but need to maintain your composure to deal with the situation.

We continued the search by splitting up and searching the areas of the mall she disappeared into with hopes of someone holding her hand looking for her family. I see in the distance a small group of teenage girls holding her hand walking in my direction. I notice my granddaughter is enjoying their company and seems not phased at all being separated from her family. I approach the teenage girls and she comes to me as I thank the girls for taking care of her. 

The moral of the story is never give up and kids can disappear in seconds in a crowded mall.  

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