
October 26, 2015

The Haunted Beach House

It began as a weekend getaway at a rustic beach house in Hawaii. Friends spending the weekend together for some rest and recreation. The house has two bedrooms and a living room. There was room for everyone. The people sleeping in the living room slept on cots. 

Night One

The first night was a page out of Scooby-Doo. I was in a bedroom with my family laying on a bed next to a open window with a porch below it. It was 3am and a haunting sound that floated around the house in the still of the night passed by my window. It was the sound of a moaning man just like the Scooby-Doo show. I was so tired to be afraid so I stuck my head out of the window to see if anyone was out there making that sound. Only the still of the night was out there. In the morning I asked everyone if they heard that moaning sound. No one confessed to hearing it.

Night Two 

I found it a bit strange when my friend gave up his bedroom to his daughter and her friend to sleep on a nice bed in the room. He and his wife would be now sleeping in the living room on a cot with the rest of the gang. I asked why are you giving up the bedroom and he pointed to a large hole in the ceiling of a closet in the bedroom. He did not elaborate. I think he was spooked and did not want to talk about it.

It was a quiet night with no strange noises in the bedroom that I was in with my family. I was up again at 3am and all was good. 

Night Three 

My friends daughter and friend gave up the bedroom too. There was no takers. The bedroom was empty. Again the reason was the large hole in the closet ceiling. It was a funny sight seeing everyone in the living room next to each other sleeping on cots when a nice bedroom is empty. Safety in numbers I guess. I stayed in my bedroom with no incidents occurring. 


No one admitted to believing in ghosts or the supernatural. My family and I was the only believer. I will never forget that moaning sound. So why was the bedroom empty huh? Hahaha! 

I found out years latter that the beach house was demolished and rebuilt. I wonder why? Hahaha! 

This is a picture of a similar beach house to give an idea of what the haunted beach house looked like. It's not the actual beach house we stayed at.

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