
December 30, 2013

Reflections of 2013

Another year is coming to an end. Take some time to look back at 2013.

ObamaCare implementation upsetting the majority of americans that had a doctor and good insurance plan. A very poorly written law with deception and confusion. The roll out of ObamaCare is a joke.

The unemployed looking for a job. Dear hiring managers, stop asking applicants the question "Why do you think you have not found a job yet". Hiring managers need to to put themselves in the applicants shoes. I think hiring managers would not appreciate that question if they became unemployed and find it hard to land a decent job. 

Violence in the workplace, schools and public places is an issue that needs more attention. Not a simple fix.

Social Media has so much power now. You can lose your job or get suspended. You need to be careful what you say and post. We all need to speak and post responsibly, but do not take away anyone's right to "Freedom of Speech" and call them a prejudice person if you lack reading comprehension skills when you disagree with them. Respect everyone's right to view their options and if you don't like it tune it out. If the person is not causing physical harm you need to grow up because we can't always hear what we want to hear. 

We need to be thankful for what he have. Having a job and home should mean a lot when so many are struggling paycheck to paycheck to survive. Just take a look at all the homeless on the streets and camping in the parks.

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