
January 6, 2014

The Unemployed and Politicians

Over a million of long term unemployed Americans ran out of extended unemployment benefits on December 28, 2013. Can you imagine the stress of not having a job and losing a paycheck to support your family.

Vacation time for Congress, Senate and a warm 17 day Hawaii vacation for the President. All the finger pointing needs to be put aside to work for the people in need. How can anyone with a conscious go on vacation and have a good time when millions of Americans have no income to live on.

I have to concede that we have some people that just want a free check as long as they can milk it out. What about the legitimate people who depend on a check to provide for their family.

Our President is setting a bad example by going on an exotic vacation in these troubled times. The First Lady did not fly back with the family on January 4. Why? The President gave her a Birthday present of some extra time in Hawaii to celebrate and spend time with her friends. Mrs. Obama turns 50 on January 17th. What a lavish gift at an estimated cost of $800,000 to pickup her up and fly her back. Factor in the additional cost to provide protection for her. Well wouldn't you give that gift to a loved one if the taxpayers pay for it.

We all should be entitled to vacations if we can afford it and don't abandon responsibilities. In the case of the President it was in bad taste to vacation in Hawaii when so many Americans are unemployed trying not to become homeless. A slap in the face is Mrs. Obama extended Hawaii vacation. The President could have improved his image by leading by example by canceling the Hawaii vacation to make a point to Congress and the Senate. Staying in Washington DC until the extended unemployment benefits bill passed would have sent a message to Congress and the Senate to stop thinking of themselves and take care of your fellow Americans in their time of need. 

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