
March 23, 2015

Who would you like to meet in real life?

We live in a world that idolizes celebrities, sports figures and famous people. I did some soul searching and decided on none of those type of people. I want to meet a regular person. I found that special person on the other side of the world from where I live by chance. Social Media has a global reach. We just connected on social media and developed a special friendship. That person is very special to me now because we slowly got to know each other real good by sharing our daily life activities though the years.

I meet a lot of people on social media who I correspond with. I met online a real nice person. I have done Skype video chats and Viber calls so I know that person is real not a scammer. That college football player from Notre Dame, Manti Te'o had a fake girl friend that was an unfortunate situation. I don't know what Manti was doing that he fell for a hoax they call catfishing.

The real life person that I want to meet one day is the humble young woman who just happens to look like a Filipina movie star. She is working in China to support her family in the Philippines. I call her the Filipina Cinderella because she has a tough life working in China. Her husband abandon her and provides no support for the children so she had to seek employment abroad to earn a good salary to provide for her family. 

Hard work reaps results. I found out her eldest son just recently graduated from High School and will be attending college. She was unable to attended his graduation. Her attitude and her christian faith get's her through tough times in life. She is not a complainer. She will make the best of any situation. 

I know one day that Cinderella will meet a Prince and live happily ever after. She just lives one day at a time. She makes life an adventure. I learn from her all the time about life. She is my real life role model. 

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