
April 2, 2015

Clean Up on Aisle 7, 8 and 9

Adventures of a grandpa by himself with two granddaughters.

I was watching my two granddaughters in the waiting room while my daughter was being seen by the Dentist. There are toys and stuff to keep them happy in the Dentist Office. They got bored fast and noisy, yikes I better get them out of there.
Lucky for me there are stores near the Dentist Office and it’s Halloween time. I take the two little monsters to a store that I’m not identifying. This store is into Halloween and the granddaughters are having a blast looking at the Ghouls and Halloween accessories. I try to contain the two, but end up turning them loose on the store. The older granddaughter wanders away from me, boy she is brave there are some scary stuff in this store. I still have my eye on the younger granddaughter. I found the older granddaughter, it didn’t take long for her to want to be found. I now have both in sight and they are rummaging through the Halloween stuff. I can’t keep up with the two. I keep trying to clean up the aisles as they try everything out. I did my best to get the goods back on the shelves, but some touching up was going to be needed by the store clerks.
On a side note my 1 year old granddaughter has no fear, but on this day the 3 year old taught the 1 year old fear. There was an aisle that had gruesome looking heads on the ground that made noises and talked if you pressed a button which freaked out the 3 year old making her stay away from passing that aisle. The little 1 year old now refused to pass that aisle too after observing the fear in her older sister. You could see the fear in the little 1 year old she was spooked by that aisle.
Just some good times back in the day. 

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